Monday, January 18, 2010

Hey Y'all! Welcome to Monday!

Yes, it is OK to be cheerful that it's a Monday. I'd rather make the choice to be cheerful than to let the day get me down. The weeks seem short enough without letting a day get away from me simply because I wish it was still the weekend.

Speaking of short weeks, does anyone else feel like the weeks are already flying by this year? It must be because we have been really busy at the ministry. This week in particular promises to be a doozy! Our new Cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit class begins this Wednesday evening at Seacoast church. I am still completely amazed that God granted me another message to share with all of you, and completely humbled and grateful that Lorin Tinder, Vivian Faribairn and Jennifer Tubbiolo were willing to give life to this message. If you are enrolled in the class you will not be disappointed!

We also begin a new Cultivating Peace class this week during Seacoast's Dive Deeper program. Can you believe this will be our 9th class? I never dreamed that the message I felt God was sharing with me in order to keep me from going off the deep end would be so important to other women as well. I am so glad Jennifer signed me up to share my testimony with the women of Seacoast Church! That's when this whole thing really got moving!

Last, we have been doing a ton of work behind the scenes as well. This week we plan on launching our new website which has been custom designed by Chris Norman of Our new site will have audio and video posts from me and the other leaders as well as links to class information, our ministry blog and facebook page. It will truly be a place for all of us to meet for a chat as we work through this year together. Additionally, beginning February 11, for the first time ever we will have a class in Missouri! My new church home, Connection Church in O'Fallon, has graciously invited me to lead a study for our women. I cannot wait to see how God uses His message here!

Now, here's a question for all of you! What's the one thing you hope to accomplish this year?
I'll start: I want to be able to say I lived each day less fearful of making a wrong decision and more trusting that God IS directing my steps. I want to be able to say I walked in the words of Isaiah 30:21: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

May peace be with you every day until we meet again!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Inagural Entry

Hey there y'all! I have finally entered the 21st century in computers! Look for future blog entries soon!